SEGM: Netherweave Bags!

Welcome to the first post from my new series, Super Easy Gold Making (or SEGM for short). Netherweave bags are simply the easiest and cheapest way for new players and alts to quickly grab a few extra bag slots before beginning the journey in World of Warcraft. Luckily for us, they sell insanely fast and are very easy to make. 20 Netherweave Cloth and 1 Rune Thread makes one bag, meaning that you can easily pump out hundreds of them. If you would like to farm your own cloth, WoW Professions has a very nice guide . This would increase your profit, but will be time consuming. Purely up to you which way you go! I like to have about 100 on the Auction House at any one time. While that sounds like a lot, it's only 2000 Netherweave (or 500 gold worth). Easily achievable for new gold makers! They generally sell for about 10g each