Stacks and Stacks
Since Warlords of Draenor has come out, we have had the ability to stack most profession items up to 200. While this is amazing, it has also created what I like to call the "irregular" effect.
The irregular effect is simple and might even only apply to me. When I am shopping on WoW for certain items, such as herbs or fur, I will usually only buy the even stacks. Especially with herbs, this makes it a lot easier for me to mill them using the new 20 herb milling spells.
While this may add a little gold onto my overall expenditure, it just makes it easier for me to track how much I am spending and buying.
I am also still posting stacks up of 20 instead of switching to the new 200. Even if I was posting thousands of herbs, I would prefer to post them in stacks of 20.
This does a couple things. It puts my auctions first when people are just scrolling through and not using addons, while also allowing people who are only after 20 or 40 herbs to buy mine instead.
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