Assets before Gold

As you can see, I am at over 2 million gold in assets and liquid gold. I am fairly proud of myself, even though I log in and only have just over 46k. Now, some people would stress out over this. Feel like they aren't getting very far, despite working their butts off. There is no need to panic, even if you have less gold than when you started. 'The whole point of gold making is to make gold though, Tauna!' you say. The assets count as part of your portfolio though. In real life, a person is worth whatever their bank account is plus the value of their assets (roughly). If you value yourself just by the gold you have, then there isn't much point to gold making. The best way to make gold is to reinvest. I had dropped down to 10k gold since I have started gold making, and started stressing when I looked at that small amount of gold. 'What have I done?', I thought. I just spent everything I worked so hard for! Then I opened up my TSM and saw the...